Ações no Present Perfect em Inglês – Pack 1

Como utilizar o áudio a seguir?

Ouça até o ponto em que consiga antecipar o passado dos verbos mentalmente, sem precisar chegar no momento em que eu falo.

Pack 1
base formsimple pastPresent Perfect (I have + past participle verb)
speakspokeI have spoken
seesawI have seen
drinkdrankI have drunk
gowentI have gone
readreadI have read
bewas/wereI have been
wakewokeI have woken
singsangI have sung
runranI have run
forgetforgotI have forgotten
taketookI have taken
shakeshookI have shaken
fallfellI have fallen
riderodeI have ridden
wearworeI have worn
drawdrewI have drawn
flyflewI have flown
overcomeovercameI have overcome
comecameI have come
breakbrokeI have broken

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