Ações no Passado em Inglês – Pack 1

Como utilizar o áudio a seguir?

Ouça até o ponto em que consiga antecipar o passado dos verbos mentalmente, sem precisar chegar no momento em que eu falo.


Qual é o passado de ”eat”? – What’s the past of ”eat”?

O passado de ”eat” é ”ate”. – The past of ‘’eat’’ is ‘’ate’’.

O passado de ”drive” é ”drove”. – The past of ‘’Drive’’ is ‘’drove’’.


Ouça o ÁUDIO para TREINAR. Continuando apenas em inglês agora, para memorizar da melhor forma possível.

The past of ‘’speak’’ is ”spoke”.

The past of ‘’understand’’ is ”understood”.

The past of ‘’see’’ is saw.

The past of ‘’drink’’ is drank.

The past of ‘’believe’’ is believed. (Note que a pronúncia do “ed” aqui, é somente v + “d”)

The past of ‘’get’’ is got.

The past of ‘’hold’’ is held.

The past of ‘’think’’ is Thought.

The past of ‘’fight’’ is Fought.

The past of ‘’watch’’ is watched. The past of ‘’believe’’ is believed. (Note que a pronúncia do “ed” aqui, é somente “tch” + “t”)

The past of ‘’have’’ is had.

The past of ‘’go’’ is went.

The past of ‘’try’’ is tried. (Note que a pronúncia do “ed” aqui, é “éd”)

The past of ‘’travel’’ is traveled. (Note que a pronúncia do “ed” aqui, é somente “d”)

The past of ‘’write’’ is wrote.

The past of ‘’read’’ is read.

The past of ‘’can’’ is could.

The past of ‘’hold’’ is held.

The past of ‘’call’’ is called. (Note que a pronúncia do “ed” aqui, é somente “d”)

The past of ‘’sell’’ is sold.

The past of ‘’be’’ is was/were.

The past of ‘’manage’’ is managed. (Note que a pronúncia do “ed” aqui, é somente “g” + “d”)

The past of ‘’raise’’ is raised. (Note que a pronúncia do “ed” aqui, é somente “z” + “d”)

The past of ‘’dress’’ is dressed.(Note que a pronúncia do “ed” aqui, é somente “ss” + “t”)

The past of ‘’wake’’ is woke.

The past of ‘’make’’ is made.

The past of ‘’walk’’ is walked.(Note que a pronúncia do “ed” aqui, é somente “k” + “t”)

The past of ‘wash’’ is washed.(Note que a pronúncia do “ed” aqui, é somente “sh” + “t”)

The past of ‘’sweep’’ is swept.

The past of ‘’sleep’’ is slept.

The past of ‘’sing’’ is sang.

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